The Lotus Lifestyle is a book and concept by Michael Ducharme. Wiggliness is one of the nine essential requirements for human wellness, according to Ducharme. The Lotus Lifestyle includes a chapter titled “Get Wiggly!”
The way to be well is to live well.
There is no magic pill, but the path is clear still.
To be well, we need to live in harmony with nature. The Lotus Lifestyle is a simple paradigm of balance and flow. At the essential core of the Lotus Lifestyle is to do everything with love. At its periphery are eight “petals” that coexist within the balance and flow and the beauty of a flower. The 8 petals correspond with eight elements of a healthy lifestyle:
- Be wiggly!!
- Breathe clean air, softly and deeply.
- Get adequate sunlight.
- Bathe in clean, living water.
- Eat plants to alkalize.
- Detoxify with saunas, massage or fasting.
- Meditate or pray. Open your mind and your heart.
- Rest and dream.

Read more about The Lotus Lifestyle on the author’s personal Web site.